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image of pencilCreating Your First Web Page

A Course for Librarians at Lesley College
Nicole Hennig
March 7, 1997

Part I

  1. Planning your site.
  2. Web browsers and their differences.
  3. What is HTML?
  4. Basic tags:
    Hard Rules
    Text Styles: bold, italic, underline, typewriter
    Body background color
    Preformatted text:
              Monday--Friday     9am to11pm
              Saturday           9am to 5pm
              Sunday             12noon to 11pm
  5. Links:
    linking to other documents in the same file
    linking to outside web sites
    relative links vs. absolute path names
    anchors to specific sections in the same document, or other documents
    "mailto" links: nic@tiac.net

  6. Practicing what you've learned:
    Make a basic page with at least 3 subpages. Include as much of the following as makes sense for your page:

Part II

  1. Images
  2. Uploading your web site.

  3. Practicing what you've learned:

    Save a few images to your folder of web pages. Use the image tag to insert them into your documents. Try the following:
  4. Links to image resources:

    Yahoo's List of Web Graphics Sites
    Transparent and Interlaced Gifs
    Color Maker
    Graphic Converter Tutorial
    Julianne's Background Textures
    Bill's Animated GIF Collection
    HTML Tips: Using Images Effectively


  • Demo of the Bose Corporate Library page.
  • Promoting your page. Search engines and your page.
  • Copyright issues. Design issues.

    Recommended Web Resources

    Recommended Books

    Nicole Hennig, Systems Librarian, Bose Corporation, The Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701