
Class Materials


Class outline

Case study: Bose Corporation

Testing materials

Additional Resources


MIT Libraries

Usable Web

MIT Libraries

Usability Testing for Web Design

Books and articles

  1. Rosenfeld, Louis and Peter Morville. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. O'Reilly, 1998.
  2. Spool, Jared, et al. Web Site Usability: A Designer's Guide. User Interface Engineering, 1997.
  3. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Special Issue on World Wide Web Usability. 1997 47(1) 1-222.
  4. Nims, Julia K. and Linda Rich. "How Successfully Do Users Search the Web?" College & Research Libraries News 59(3)(March 1998):155-158.

Web sites

  1. Alertbox - Jakob Nielsen's Column on Web Usability
  2. Why On-Site Searching Stinks - User Interface Engineering
  3. Usable Web: Guide to Web Usability Resources - Keith Instone, see especially the Usability Engineering section
  4. Usability Matters - Keith Instone, Web Review





13 March 99