Class Materials
Class outline
Case study: Bose Corporation
Testing materials
Additional Resources
MIT Libraries
Usable Web

Books and articles
- Rosenfeld, Louis
and Peter Morville.
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. O'Reilly,
- Spool, Jared,
et al. Web
Site Usability: A Designer's Guide. User Interface Engineering,
- International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Special Issue on World Wide Web
Usability. 1997 47(1) 1-222.
- Nims, Julia K.
and Linda Rich. "How Successfully Do Users Search the Web?" College
& Research Libraries News 59(3)(March 1998):155-158.
Web sites
Alertbox - Jakob Nielsen's Column on Web Usability
- Why
On-Site Searching Stinks - User Interface Engineering
- Usable
Web: Guide to Web Usability Resources - Keith Instone, see especially
the Usability
Engineering section
Usability Matters - Keith Instone, Web Review
13 March 99