
Class Materials


Class outline

Case study: Bose Corporation

Testing materials

Additional Resources


MIT Libraries

Usable Web

MIT Libraries

Usability Testing for Web Design

Class Outline

  1. Introduction and Background (1:30 - 1:45)
  2. Case study: Bose Corporation's Intranet (1:45 - 2:15)
  3. How to construct your own test (2:15 - 2:30)
  4. Break (2:30 - 2:45)
  5. Sample test: live test of MIT Libraries web site (using class members) (2:45 - 4:30)
    • train the observers
    • conduct the test (2 volunteers)
    • discuss the results
  6. Other test methods (4:30 - 4:45)
  7. Additional resources (4:45 - 5:00)




13 March 99