
Writing Guidelines












[Web Advisory Group]

Writing for the Web:
Guidelines for MIT Libraries

Combine the guidelines for powerful writing

Combining the guidelines increases their power.


How do I connect from off-campus?

If you are an MIT user connecting from off-campus you will need:

If you are not an MIT user:

  • We regret that our vendors do not allow access for non-MIT users.
  • You may still use items marked "Free, unlicensed access."
  • You may use most items when you visit the MIT campus and use the public computers in the libraries.

Combined guidelines

  • the heading is a question
  • uses 2 lists
  • uses parallelism ("if you are...")
  • It's the user's question (not "What is the "Go" Service?).
  • It's what you would say to someone on the telephone.

Example: Borrowing + Ordering

