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Conferences, classes, seminars attended
See my new site:
- SXSW Interactive. Austin, Texas, March 9-13.
- SXSW Interactive. Austin, Texas, March 11-15.
- GEL 2010: Good Experience Live. New York, April 29-30.
- Visualizing Data: ACRL Online Webcast. March 30.
- Mobile Learning 2.0: Educase Learning Initiative: The next phase of innovation in mobility. Online spring focus session. March 3.
- Internet Librarian 2009. Monterey, CA. Oct. 26-28, 2009.
- NEASIST TED Talks Film Festival. MIT. April 29, 2009.
- Web 2.0 Expo. San Francisco, CA. March 31 - April 3, 2009.
- Code4Lib Conference 2009. Providence, RI, February 23-26, 2009.
- NEASIST meetup: Twitter! Somerville, MA. Feb. 19, 2009.
- 16 (Mostly) Difficult Steps to Becoming a Customer Experience-Driven Organization. Virtual seminar, Adaptive Path. Feb. 11, 2009.
- Mobile Devices at MIT: IAP class at MIT. Jan. 28, 2009.
- Better Teaching @ MIT. IAP class at MIT. Jan. 28, 2009.
- Add-Member Social Network Mix: Why and how to host your free online network with Ning. IAP class at MIT. Jan. 15, 2009.
- Besides and Beyond Facebook: Do's and Don't's for your niche socical network. IAP class at MIT. Jan. 13, 2009.
- Mobile Mania: Developing Information Services for Portable Devices. NEASIST event, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Nov. 5, 2008.
- User Interface 13 Conference. Cambridge, MA, Oct. 13-16, 2008.
- Women & Technology Workshop, Emerging Technologies Conference. MIT. Sept. 23, 2008.
- Understanding Human Information Interaction. NEASIST event, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Sept. 15, 2008.
- ExLibris Users of North America (ELUNA) 2008. Long Beach, CA, July 30 - Aug. 1, 2008.
- Good Experience Live (GEL) 2008. New York, April 24-25, 2008.
- Code4lib 2008. Portland, Oregon, Feb. 25-28, 2008.
- Mental Models: Getting into your customer's head. UIE Virtual seminar, Feb. 20, 2008.
- Persuasive proposals. MIT IAP class. Jan. 2008
- Coolhunting and Coolfarming Through Swarm Creativity. MIT IAP class. Jan. 2008.
- Web Design World Boston - Designing the Future Web. December 2007.
- MIT Crosstalk seminar - Jon Udell. Dec. 5.
- NEASIST program: From Guerilla Innovation to Institutional Transformation: Information Professionals as Change Agents. Nov. 15..
- ASIST 2007: Joining Research and Practice: Social Computing and Information Science. Milwaukee, Oct. 20-24..
- MIT Crosstalk seminar: Collaboration Tools, Blogs and Wikis in Education – May 2.
- Visualizing Wikipedia: A tale of life, love, and bureaucracy: NEASIST Annual Awards Dinner, MIT Faculty Club, May 10.
- Computers in Libraries. Washington, DC, April 16-18.
- NEASIST Program: Designing Usable Interfaces - Three Expert Perspectives. April 10.
- Social Design: Designing for the Social Lives of Users: UIE Virtual Seminar, April 11.
- Webinar: Measuring the Effectiveness of Interactive Media – April 3.
- UIE virtual seminar: Field Studies: The Ultimate Tool in Your Usability Toolbox – March 2.
- Wikipedia, then and now. Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg, IBM Research. MIT, March 15.
- GIS for the Real World: Google Earth and GIS Web Tools. NEASIST Program, MIT, March 6.
- XC meeting: The eXstensible catalog. University of Rochester, Feb. 8-9.
- Taming the Borg: Design Principles for Transparent Use. MIT, Jan. 23.
- Cool Tools & New Technologies. Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries October Conference, Oct. 27.
- Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications & Clever Devices. Adaptive Path, New York, Oct. 25.
- NEASIST Program: The Dawn of the Embedded Library. Oct. 3, 2006.
- Information Architecture Summit, ASIS&T, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 23-27
- Buy, Hack, or Build: Optimizing your Systems for Your Users and Your Sanity: NEASIST Program, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 15
- The Ubiquitous Web: LITA National Forum, San Jose, CA, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2005
- The Faceted Interface: a talk by Steve Mulder at the Usability Professionals Association, May 18
- Syndicate, Aggregate, Communicate: NEASIST Program, Providence College, Providence, RI, May 3
- Freedom vs. Control: Rights Management in the Digital Age: NEASIST Program, MIT, Cambridge, MA, December 15
- Web Design World, Boston, December 6-8
- Internet Librarian, Monterey, CA, November 15-17
- Macworld Boston, Boston, MA, July 12-15
- 13th International World Wide Web Conference, New York, NY, May 17-22
- Information Architecture Summit, ASIS&T, Austin, TX, February 27-29
- Blogging, RSS Feeds and News Aggregators: a hands-on workshop, NEASIST, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 13
- It's Not Just Google Anymore: Blogs and the Latest in Search Engines, NEASIST, MIT, Cambridge, MA, April 28
- Information Architecture Summit, ASIS&T, Portland, OR, March 20-23
- Management seminar, MIT Faculty Club, January 14-16
- Web Design World, Boston, MA, November 18-21
- The Future of Fair Use, NEASIST, MIT, Cambridge, MA, December 11
- User Interface 6 East, Cambridge, MA, October 1-4, 2001
- "Beyond Help: Making Innovative User Interfaces Self-Teaching with Instructive Interaction." Larry Constantine, Boston Usability Professionals Association, MIT, July 19, 2001
- Running Linux on a Mac: MIT, January 17, 2001
- A Walk on the Wireless Side, NEASIST, MIT, Cambridge, MA, December 11
- PDC 2000: Participatory Design Conference, Graduate Center, City University of New York, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2000
- ASIS Annual Meeting 2000, Chicago, IL, Nov. 11-16, 2000
- Bringing Innovative Web Technologies to Library Settings, JFK School of Government, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, May 17
- ASIS Summit 2000: Information Architecture, Boston, MA, April 7 - 9, 2000
- Managing Dreamweaver Workflow, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, Feb. 10, 2000
- User Interface 2000, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 8 - 10, 1999
- ASIS Annual Meeting 1999, Washington, DC, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 1999
- FileMaker Pro and Relational Database Design, MIT, June 7-8, 1999
- National Online Meeting, New York, May 18-21, 1999 [presenter]
- Dreamweaver: WYSIWYG Web Tool, Interactive Factory, April 30, 1999
- Creating image maps, animated GIFs, and JavaScript rollovers, MIT Academic Computing, March 25, 1999
- Web Accessibility and Universal Design, Judy Brewer, Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), January 28, 1999
- Ultraseek 102 - Better Web Publishing with the Search Engine, MIT IS Dept., January 21, 1999
- XML: What you need to know!, American Society for Information Science, New England Chapter (NEASIS), MIT Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA, January 20, 1999
- Internet Librarian '98, Monterey, California, November 3-5, 1998 [presenter]
- Web '98, Boston, September 24-25, 1998
- XML, 2-day class at Web '98, Boston, September 22-23, 1998
- Project Management for the Web, Interactive Factory, Boston, August 18, 1998
- Photoshop for the Web, Interactive Factory, Boston, July 27, 1998
- The Future is Here: Library Planning and Technology, Boston Univ. School of Management, June 8, 1998
- Digital Reality, NELINET Conference, Marlboro, MA, June 1-2, 1998
- National Online Meeting, New York, May 1998
- CGI Programming with Perl, Simmons College, April 1998
- Metadata class, Simmons College, Candy Schwartz, April 1998
- SLA Metadata workshop, MIT Lincoln Labs, March 23, 1998
1997 and earlier
- Internet Librarian, Monterey, California, November 1997
- User Interface 97, Cambridge Mariott, November 1997
- Interactive Design for the Web, Interactive Factory, Boston, Sept. 1997
- Cataloging Internet Resources, NELINET, September 1997
- NEASIS: Knowledge Management, JFK School, Cambridge, September, 1997
- Macworld, Boston, August 1997
- Internet Expo, Boston, August 1997
- SLA workshop: Valuing Corporate Libraries, Northeastern Univ., Boston, July 1997
- Edward Tufte's Visual Display of Information class, Boston, June 1997
- NEASIS: Java, Kennedy School at Harvard, Cambridge, May 1997
- SLA: Push Technologies, Gutman Library, Harvard, March 1997
- Photoshop classes, New Horizons, Boston, MA, December 1996
- Advanced HTML, New Horizons, Boston, MA, spring 1997
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Nicole Hennig, Independent UX Professional, Boston, MA