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NEASIST Chapter Member of the Year, Awards dinner 2010.


ASIS&T Chapter Member of the Year Award

The 2009 Chapter Member of the Year Award goes to Nicole Henning of the New England Chapter of ASIS&T. Nicole is the current Chair of NEASIS&T and has been the key motivator behind a number of chapter events and publications. Nominators called her "ideas person" of the Chapter and the the "brain child" of the TED Talks Film Festival, which won the 2009 Chapter Event of the Year Award. Her skill in planning events was noticed by the judges. As stated by her nominator, Nicole "has a unique ability to turn ideas into practical and accessible events." The judges were also impressed by her work in developing communication tools for the chapter, in particular her ability to implement innovations that will allow the Chapter to communicate over a broader geographic distance.


MIT Excellence Award - Innovation Solutions

Ellen Finnie Duranceau, Digital Resources Acquisitions Librarian
Nicole Hennig, Web Manager and Usability Specialist

Our final award for Innovative Solutions goes to two individuals who stood among very few library leaders to develop electronic resources management and presentation systems. One awardee led a process to develop a new tool for providing access to the Libraries' online subscriptions. The other emerged as a key leader in developing Vera, Virtual Electronic Resource Access. Revolutionizing access to information resources for the MIT community, Vera has undergone constant improvement under their leadership. Among other features, Vera enables users to search or browse over 30,000 electronic journals and 400 databases, find articles from specific citations, and peruse new titles.

Vera is renowned nationally and internationally as a model system that has influenced standards within the field. Many libraries in research universities and smaller colleges emulate Vera; national standards for Electronic Resource Management Systems incorporate many of its principles. Ellen Finnie Duranceau and Nicole Hennig provided national leadership in the transition from traditional to digital libraries. For outstanding innovation, Nicole and Ellen are "Vera-" table heroes. Thank you both and congratulations on your MIT Excellence Award.


June 27, 2001

MIT Libraries' Individual Award for Innovation and Creativity

Our first Innovation and Creativity Award goes to someone who was described by one of a nominator as a "master chef." As such, she has brought many skills to her concoctions, including the ability to both articulate a clear vision and strategize its fulfillment, while serving the many conflicting needs and desires of users and staff. Her work on the website redesign has included usability testing, needs assessment, benchmarking, training, and above all, community input. Another nominator says that by giving us VERA, "she has revolutionized the provision of digital resources," serving both public access and internal management. Her patience and good humor have been instrumental in bringing the Libraries from chaotic web adolescence to uniform web maturity. The public face of the MIT Libraries, via the web, is something we look to with pride. It is impossible to imagine this ongoing accomplishment without the efforts of Nicole Hennig.

Award Criteria: Innovation and Creativity
· Articulates vision.
· Develops effective strategies.
· Exhibits resourcefulness in response to challenge.
· Uses time and resources economically.
· Facilitates others' use of time and resources.
· Enhances customer service and experience.






Nicole Hennig, Head, User Experience Group, MIT Libraries, Cambridge, MA
personal email: nic@hennigweb.com
work email: hennig@mit.edu