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See my new site:
- Apps for Academics. Workshop for librarians at Brown University, Providence, RI. Dec. 3, 2012.
- Librarians as Rational Optimists: Using Top Tech Trends to Build Our Future. Slides available (PDF). MSU Libraries Emerging Technologies Summit. August 4, 2012.
- Introducing the Book as iPad App. ALA webinar. July 23, 2012. Slides available. (Online course begins Oct. 15, 2012)
- Apps for Academics: iPhone/iPad apps & mobile web sites for your Academic Life. MIT IT Partners Conference. June 13, 2012
- Apps for Architecture and Urban Planning. A talk for librarians at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Nov. 14, 2011.
- Academic E-Reading: Themes from User Experience Studies. Society for Scholarly Publishing. Washington, DC. Nov. 8, 2011.
- Apps4Librarians: Becoming an Expert in Mobile Apps for iPhones, iPads, and Other iOS Devices. Simmons Continuing Ed Workshop. Sept. 19 - Oct. 30, 2011.
- Understanding How MIT Students, Faculty, and Researchers work: the New MIT Libraries User Experience Group. Presentation for MIT Libraries Visiting Committee. March 7, 2011. Download slides (PDF).
- Interviewed for video: Reinventing the Research Library: The MIT Libraries in the 21st Century. MIT TechTV.
- Apps4Librarians: Becoming an Expert in Mobile Apps for iPhones, iPads, and Other iOS Devices. Simmons Continuing Ed Workshop. February 1-28, 2011. Repeated June 1 - July 12.
- Apps4Academics: iPhone/iPad apps & mobile web sites for your academic life. MIT IAP workshop, Jan. 19, 2011. Also offered on Feb. 28, 2011. Slides available.
- Reading on E-Book Devices: the User Experience. Keynote talk for virtual conference: Handheld Librarian III. Online, July 29. Download slides (PDF). Download audio file (MP3). See also bibliography of further resources.
- After dinner talk at NEASIST Awards Dinner. My gadget life... and it's a mobile world. MIT Faculty Club. May 17.
- It's a Mobile World, Where Do You Fit? Delighting library users with creative mobile services. Talk for ACRL New England conference: Embracing our Electronic World, Worcester, MA, May 14.
- NEASIST TED Talks Film Festival - chose films and led audience discussion for this event at MIT on May 11.
- Web 2.0 technologies for archivists. All-day workshop for New England Archivists Spring Meeting. Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. March 19.
- Innovation Smoothies: a Pecha Kucha talk. Internet Librarian, Monterey, CA. Oct. 28, 2009. download PDF or view on Slideshare
- Persuasion, influence & innovative ideas. Internet Librarian, Monterey, CA. Oct. 28, 2009. download PDF or view on Slideshare
- Using Visual Display Tools on your Web Site. Simmons GSLIS continuing education workshop, Boston, MA. Oct. 17, 2009
- Creating a mashup using RSS feeds. Simmons GSLIS continuing education workshop, Boston, MA. Oct. 17, 2009
- Kindle, iPhone, and Twitter for Libraries. Simmons GSLIS continuing education workshop, Boston, MA. Oct. 3, 2009
- Mobile phones, iPhones & library services. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. July 21, 2009
- Kindle & Ebooks for libraries. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. June 23, 2009
- Twitter, microblogging & libraries. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. May 4, 2009
- NEASIST TED Talks Film Festival. Selected relevant TED talks based on audience voting, and led audience discussion. April 29, 2009
- Web 2.0 for Archivists. Workshop for New England Archivists Conference. March 27, 2009
- Fantastic and beautiful visual displays for libraries. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. March 3, 2009
- Create a mashup using RSS feeds. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. February 2, 2009
- Create a custom search engine using Google Custom Search. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. November 17, 2008
- Understanding our users - an overview, with a focus on ethnographic studies. Class for staff of the MIT Libraries. October 30, 2008
- ALA Spectrum Scholar Program & ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce. Presented to visiting scholars. MIT. Oct. 21, 2008
- LibGuides training. Class for MIT Libraries staff. July, 2008
- Tips for using Confluence wikis. Class for MIT Libraries staff. March 20, 2008
- Library toolbars, extensions and web apps: little tools with big impact. Class for MIT students, April 25, 2008
- Project SimpLR Updates. MIT Libraries all-staff meetings, January 30-31. PDF download
- Demonstrated Second Life at event for librarians. Do We Need a Second Life? Library and Information Services in a Virtual World. Simmons College, October 17, 2007
- Blogs as Communication. MIT IT Partners Conference, May 31, 2007
- Project SimpLR Updates. MIT Libraries all-staff meetings, May 30-31. PDF download
- Student's World: Photo Diary Study. Computers in Libraries. April 16, 2007. Download slides: PDF
More information.- MIT LIbraries Betas. A presentation for Visiting Committee, March 21, 2007
- Library toolbars, extensions and web apps: little tools with big impact. MIT IAP, January 22, repeated on April 25. Course outline
- MIT Libraries Project SimpLR. A presentation for the MIT Libraries all-staff meeting. November 1, 2006. Download slides: PDF
- Aggregating Information for Library Users. Cool Tools: Digital Tools used in the Library Setting. Simmons College, Oct. 17, 2006.
- Embedding Library Services in Trusted Networks of MIT Students. NEASIST Program: The Dawn of the Embedded Library. October 3, 2006. Download slides: PDF
- What is Faceted Browsing? A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries
- SFX & Open URLs. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries
- Social bookmarking & tagging. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries
- RSS - part 2. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries
- What is RSS? - part 1. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries
- Library 2.0: an update from the SFX-Verde team. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries. Ellen Duranceau, Nicole Hennig and Tracy Gabridge. January 4, 2006. Download slides: Powerpoint or PDF
- My Gadget Life. After dinner talk for NEASIST Spring Awards Dinner, April 24, 2005. Download PDF version of slides. See our demo moblie blog
- Portable Digital Devices & Personal Metadata: creative uses of iPods & iTunes in educational settings. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries, April 21, 2005. Talk outline
- RSS Feeds and Content Syndication. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries, March 3, 2005. Talk outline
- Web Browsers Galore!: Tips, Tricks, Hacks and Fun with Web Browsers and Their Features. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries, October 18, 2004. Talk outline
- Web standards and the browser wars: what librarians need to know. Tech-Lib Forum. A talk for staff of the MIT Libraries, November 17, 2003. download PDF version of slides
- FileMaker Pro Web Publishing: A Look at MIT Libraries' "Vera" Database Behind-the-Scenes. IT Partners Fall Conference, MIT, October 23, 2003. download PDF version of slides
- Introduction to PDAs. Introduction to panel session: "At your Fingertips: Use of PDAs in Chemical Information". American Chemical Society National Meeting, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, September 7, 2003
- Nicole's Wacky & Wonderful World of Gadgets. After-dinner speech for NEASIST Spring Awards Dinner, MIT Faculty Club, May 13, 2003
- Usability Testing & Writing for the Web. Guest speaker for MIT Course 21W.785, March 13 and September 23, 2003
[Plenty of presentations happened in 2002, but I didn't update this web site that year].
- "A Day in the Life of a Web Manager." A talk for future webmasters organized by the Student Chapter of ASIST at Simmons College GSLIS, October 30, 2001
- "Usability Testing for Web OPACs: MIT Libraries' Experience" a presentation at Web Usability: Does Your Site Work?: Dartmouth College, October 25, 2001
- User-Centered Web Design. Continuing education course, Simmons College, October 13, 2001
- Writing for the Web. A workshop offered at NELINET, September 21, 2001
- Usability Testing & Writing for the Web. Guest speaker for MIT Course 21W.785, September 20, 2001
- MIT Libraries' web site redesign. A presentation for Web Publishers at MIT, August 23, 2001
- Writing for the Web. A class for staff of MIT Libraries, August 7 and August 9, 2000
- The Web as a Service Environment [password required]. Presentation for MIT Libraries Visiting Committee, April 18, 2001
- User-Centered Web Design. Continuing education course, Simmons College, October 14, 2000
- Writing for the Web. A workshop offered at NELINET, September 12, 2000
- Web-based Database Design using FileMaker Pro: BALM (Boston Area Library Web Managers) Program. Building Database-Backed Web Sites. July 27, 2000
- User-Centered Web Design: Applying Emerging Technologies in Libraries. A program of the Information Technology Interest Group of the Association of College & Research Libraries, New England Chapter, May 26, 2000
- User-Centered Web Design. Continuing education course, Simmons College, April 1, 2000
- Web Site Usability Testing: guest speaker for MIT Course 21W.785, March 9, 2000
- MIT Libraries Web Site Redesign - Update: All-staff meeting, February 9, 2000
- Web Site Usability Test -- MIT Libraries: MIT CWIS-Pub Meeting, May 27 and June 29, 1999
- "I Never Metadata I Didn't Like" -- Improving access to your web pages and databases using metadata: Brown Bag Lunch Seminar for MIT Libraries Staff, May 26, 1999
- Usability Testing for Intranets -- A Case Study of the Bose Corporate Intranet: National Online Conference, New York, May 21, 1999
- Web Site Usability Test, MIT Libraries: presentation for MIT Libraries Visiting Committee, April 7, 1999
- Usability Testing for Web Design: continuing education course, Simmons College, March 13, 1999
- Using the Internet as a Research Tool: IDG, Framingham, MA, February 22, 1999.
- Using the Internet as a Research Tool: New England International Personnel Forum, November 17, 1998
- Going Forward: Usability Testing the Web Site: Internet Librarian, Monterey, California, November 4, 1998
- Internet Resources for International Personnel Management: New England International Personnel Forum, May 19, 1998
- "Intranet Scavenger Hunt: Usability Testing for Intranets": Web Design Class at Simmons College Graduate School of LIS, Candy Schwartz, instructor, April 24, 1998
- Web-based Training: how to develop it, examples of well-designed training: Retail Direct Group, Bose Corporation, January 1998
- Intranet Site Planning Process: Audio Business Mission Team, Bose Corporation, January 1998
- Lunch Time Internet Seminars: Bose Corporation, September 1997 - May 1998
- Creating Your First Web Page: a course for librarians at Lesley College, March 1997
Nicole Hennig, Independent UX Professional, Boston, MA